Signs Of Fatigue In The Workplace: How To Prevent And Manage Symptoms

    Fatigue in the workplace is the most troubling problem worldwide, and there are many reasons behind it. However, it is equally important to understand and acknowledge the signs of fatigue before tackling them. Here is a quick overview of the signs of fatigue:

    Signs Of Fatigue In The Workplace

    As an employee, you will face these. As the leader of the business, you could notice these in your employees:

    • Feeling exhausted or sleepy after having proper sleep hours.
    • Feeling like you need more sleep during the off days. Alternatively, you might feel the need to sleep longer on off days.
    • Dullness, slowed movements, reduced reflexes and a general feeling of exhaustion in the body. You might feel a lack of energy or strength to do the work.
    • There is also mental fatigue, like failing to concentrate on the work or zoning out. Maybe you could procrastinate even when you don’t want to.
    • Lack of productivity. Everyone deserves to have some days to slack off. However, sometimes, productivity continually lacks 50% or below.

    Tips On Managing The Workplace Fatigue

    1. Take The Mandatory Holidays

    Some people are too dedicated to their job that they forget about taking time off. If you have off days in your job package or holidays in the calendar, take them off.

    This also applies to business owners to provide proper holidays to the employees.

    2. Make Sure To Have Healthy Meals

    As a business owner, your job is to provide the amenities like a cafeteria or a kitchen to the employees they could use. It should have basic things like tea, coffee, and other cooking utensils with apt food items. If not, you could invest in meal preparation services.

    As an employee, you must take proper water breaks, drink beverages if needed, and eat healthy meals. Eating healthy or fulfilling meals often help with fatigue. 

    3. Set A Work And Break Rule

    There are many popular rules like 90 minutes work and 20 minutes break. Try to integrate that into your work life. You could also have rules like 1-hour work and 10 minutes break. Figure out the one that works for you. Some people can work 30 minutes and take 30 minutes rest. But don’t get too comfortable at the workplace. You’re still there to work.

    4. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

    Everyone needs some help. As a CEO, you might need an executive coach. As an employee, you might need more people to work alongside you on something. It is better to ask for the help and get extra helping hands for the work.

    The Bottom Line – Draw A Boundary

    Don’t succumb to the work too much to forget to take care of yourself. Draw a healthy boundary and work accordingly. Practicing fatigue management in the workplace is vital not only for you as an employee, but also for the business owners. It yield long-term benefits like better productivity. Similarly, try not to work too much on the overtime. That is the worst thing that you could do.